Lean Into The Basics
Lean Into The Basics.
Most likely, you have read a million things about how to get and stay healthy. Especially with chronic disease and autoimmune diseases, it is not the latest trend that will help you feel better. It really is the basics, and making small, consistent changes to our routines can lead to the changes we want.
Move More. Find ways to get in more movement during the day. Take the stairs, walk around the block, join a weekly class, or schedule a regular exercise date with a friend. Just adding 30 more minutes a day of movement will make a difference. It doesn’t really matter what that movement looks like.
Eat more vegetables and more protein. Fill half your plate with vegetables at each meal. Eat enough protein for your lifestyle. If you are over 40, you need to increase the amount of protein you are eating. As we age, we lose our ability to absorb protein, so we simply need to eat more. You probably don’t need to track it daily, but you simply focus on eating more vegetables and protein.
Rest. There are many different types of rest, but we need about 8-10 hours of sleep each night. But rest also includes finding the time to sit and watch the sunset, read a book, and listen to that album you love so much. Finding something about your life that you truly enjoy, some activity that brings you joy can also be described as rest. Emotional and spiritual rest can also be included in the rest activities, such as eating popcorn at the movie theater with a friend you are close to or praying.
Reduce your stress. I know, I KNOW, reducing your stress might feel impossible. But adding things to your day like meditation, a regular therapy session, journalling, and limiting your time with those you know you shouldn’t be spending time with will make a massive difference in your health. Take stock of what is causing you stress and see what can be limited or eliminated entirely.
All of these basics can also improve your nutrition. You probably don’t need to try whatever crazy workout you found on TikTok, but lifting weights or taking a long walk three times a week can make a difference in your life.